Have you ever thought of rest as a radical rebellion against the status quo?

Violetta's archive of meditations and gentle breathwork practices are designed to help you get out of your head and disentangle from the busyness and stress of everyday so that you could reconnect with yourself and find your flow (and keep it) in career, business and life.

See What the Community Has to Say About Attending Expand and Impact Experiences:

"Violet holds such a beautiful experience and provides a safe, nurturing space for people to explore what’s going on in their internal world."

"It was a great opportunity to really sit down and be myself, fully. As an entrepreneur, wife and mother of 2, I don't get much space and time for myself. Having access to an experience like this allowed me to really decompress and just...be."

I felt tired before the experience and afterwards I felt calm and a sense of heaviness had lifted - I had more energy to go about my day.

Who is this Violetta person?

As a First Generation American, first woman in my family to finish higher education and someone who is used to being the only female in the room and at the table, I know first-hand how it feels to be taking action towards your goals and dreams and feeling like you're compromising so many parts of yourself just to succeed, be taken seriously and acknowledged for the work you do. Not only that, but you actually want to make a difference. 

Working in a male-dominated industry left me feeling incapable, crazy and emotional drained.

Let's face it, we are still far from experiencing true equality and a lot of the time, we sacrifice so much of ourselves just to get a seat at the table. 

I wish I had a mentor when I was first starting out in leadership who could have showed me that it's possible to reach my goals and make a difference without having to change myself to fit into the Patriarchal way of working and living.  

I'm here to support and guide you along with millions of other ambitious women to create a purpose-driven life and career so that together we can change the narrative of what success and leadership look and feel like. 

It's time to close the gender gap and create change that ripples out for generations.

Violetta is a Change Expert whose work is informed by her background in Experiential & Outdoor Education, Holistic Counselling, Meditation and Mindfulness Teaching, Leadership Coaching and her mindset of being a life long student.  She created Expand and Impact as a vessel for her mission to empower and connect millions of ambitious women who want to create purpose-driven life and career and pave way to closing the gender gap. 

You deserve to rest without the guilt 

Hit the button below to get access IMMEDIATELY and also get added to Violetta's exclusive email community where she shares resources, tools and tips rooted in psychology, science and real life embodied experience. 

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